Orla JAMKEY USB MIDI Keyboard Controller – Black

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Orla JAMKEY USB MIDI Keyboard Controller – Black


Orla JAMKEY USB MIDI Keyboard Controller – Black


  • Double-Manual USB MIDI Controller
  • 61 Keys upper Manual
  • 73 Keys lower Manual
  • 2 Sets of 9 Drawbar Controller
  • 1 Set with 2 Drawbars for Bass Pedal
  • 8 Rotary Controller for Volume, Drive, Clock Volume, Reverb an Equalizer
  • Free assignable Controller: 8 Pads, 8 LED Buttons, 8 Rotary Controller, 6 Buttons for Transport-Control, MIDI Learn Button, Pitch- und Modulation Wheel
  • Connections: 2x Volume/Expression-Pedal, 2x Sustain-Pedal, MIDI In/Out, USB-Connection, Power Supply Connection
  • Dimensions (W X D X H): 1050 x 520 x 160 mm
  • Wight: 23 kg
  • Color: Black

Orla JAMKEY USB MIDI Keyboard Controller - Black
